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Bahía de Getares


Registration 5ª-AL-1/2016
Call sign EA5074
Length 25 m
Breadth 6,80 m
Draft 2,68 m
G.T. 99 Tn
NIB 416216
Nº MMSI 225985074
Deck cargo area 50 m²
Cargo capacity 40 Tn
Number of tanks 6
Number of tanks 72 m³
Passengers capacity 12
Activity  Lube oil, deck cargo, antipollution services and off-limits, Crew
Propulsion 2x368 Kw. – 1.800 r.p.m.
Antipollution means Hydraulic central pump, power unit, barriers anchor and collection, logistical support, 400 mts. absorbent boom

Newly built speedboat type, specially adapted to the conditions of the area and to the different services, fast and multipurpose type for provisioning, refreshment, crew change or transport of technical personnel on board. It is also equipped with means to fight against marine pollution, with on board equipment with a skipper collection system as well as skimmers for the extraction of the product and a sufficient number of absorbent barriers for a quick and efficient response.

Endowment: 2 crew.

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Where is our boat Bahía de Getares?

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