A) Oil supply

Drum, Bowls, tank…, supply or pumping from barge to vessel on the Algeciras Bay:

Price per ton from BARGE _____ 76.50 EUR/T
Price per ton from QUAY _____ 52.00 EUR/T
The oil pumped under your orders from the quay to the vessels will increase per T ... / Net
_____ 30.25 EUR/T
Minimum Invoicing _____ 216.00 EUR

B) Crew, stores, spare parts, etc.

Tariffs are from departure time or start loading till arrival to shore base or finish discharging:

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 216.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)

C) Use of launch´s crane

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 50.50 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)

D) Feshwater

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) Price per Ton _____ 10.00 EUR/T
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+40%)
Minimum invoicing quantity 100 Tons _____  1,000.00 EUR

E) Off port limits (pol)

Tariffs are from departure time or start loading till arrival to shore base or finish discharging:

E1) At the coordinate 36 ° 05'N, 005 ° 23'W (+/- 2 miles)

Minimum invoicing (3 hours per Service) _____ 687.50 EUR
Per each additional hour (since the 4th) _____  216.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)

E2) Services ourside the previus coordinate (E.1)

Per hour _____ 422.40 EUR/h

F) Supplies in ceuta : (Anchored or Quay)


NOTE: The expenses incurred at Ceuta harbor will be paid by the customer.

3 first hours:

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 1,560.38 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)
Per each additional hour
Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 216.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)

G) Marpol I hc’s residues collect services

From pier to Vessel/From Vessel to pier

G.1) Marpol I hc’s residues collect, with FP above (>) 60º c

Day Time(Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00) _____ 205.00 EUR/hour
Overtime (From 18:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____ (+25%)
Minimum Invoicing (2 hours per Service)

G.1.1) Pumbing from barge to thank (1 crew included)

Day Time(Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00) _____ 41.33 EUR/hour
Overtime (From 18:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____ (+25%)

G.2) Marpol I hc’s residues collect, with FP below (<) 60º c

Day Time(Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00) _____ 231.00 EUR/hour
Overtime (From 18:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____ (+25%)
Minimum Invoicing (2 hours per Service)

G.2.1) Pumbing from barge to thank (1 crew included)

Day Time(Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00) _____ 41.33 EUR/hour
Overtime (From 18:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____ (+25%)

H) Sewage collect services

From pier to Vessel/From Vessel to pier

Day Time(Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00) _____ 205.00 EUR/hour
Overtime (From 18:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____ (+25%)
Minimum Invoicing (2 hours per Service)

H.1) Pumping from barge to tank (1 crew included)

Day Time(Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00) _____ 41.33 EUR/hour
Overtime (From 18:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____ (+25%)
Minimum Invoicing (2 hours per Service)

1) Quick action for collection and containment of the spill

Pollution boat service with skimmers, tanks, sweeper with 25 metres containment boom, and 4 crews:

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 928.50 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)
Minimum invoicing (4 hours per Service) _____ 3,713.50 EUR

Will be invoicing from the operation movement advising to work completion order and arrival to the shore base.

1.1) Product delivery collected to the waste manager

The contaminated product will be delivered to an authorized waste manager which fixes the prices.

1.2) Products used for cleaning

It depends on the consume and price.

1.3) Cleaning support staffs

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 40.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  50.00 EUR/h

2) Pumping tanks

Equipment Composed By: Hydraulic Power Station, Pump and Hoses

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00)
Equipment + 2 Crew included _____ 91.00 EUR/h
Equipment + 3 Crew included _____ 131.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+40%)

3) Anchorage and containment boom recovery

From   25,00 to 100,00 m _____ 3,641.00 EUR
From 100,00 to 150,00 m _____  4,616.00 EUR
From 150,00 to 200,00 m _____ 5.570.00 EUR
From 200,00 to 300,00 m _____ 6,723.40 EUROS
From 300,00 to 400,00 m _____ 8,113.40 EUROS
From 400,00 to 500,00 m _____ 9,109.40 EUROS

Due to the complexity of the boom anchored on a vessel, will be of your property until recovery and will be checked in order the evaluating damage.


4) Containment boom rent/damages

Once the barrier is in place, from the10th day rent will be charged per day _____ 250.00 EUR/day

The costs of this shall be assessed when the damage is checked. In case that make irrecoverable damage to the containment boom, will be charged according to paragraph #8:
“Antipollution Equipment Sales, Contention Boom”.

5) Supervision and assistance containment boom while it is anchored

Boat service with 2 crew:

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 216.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)

6) Containt boom cleaning

Will Be invoicing according to the severity pollution. Minimum per meter _____ 45.40 EUR
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  (+ 40%)

7) Press washer cleaning

7.1) Per worker

(Boom and others elements not included)

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 59.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  63.00 EUR/h

7.2) Anchorage or Moored (workboat + press washer + 3 workers included)

(Boom and others elements not included)

Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00) _____ 514.00 EUR/h
Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) _____  720.00 EUR/h

8) Antipollution equipement sales

8.1) Absorbent Boom

Per each section of 25 m. and 20 cm. ø _____ 643.00 EUR

Because it is a sale and we transfer the property to the owner, the total containment boom management will be owner’s account.

8.2) Contention Boom Z-1.100

Per each meter and 1.100 cm. height _____ 120.00 EUR

Because it is a sale and we transfer the property to the owner, the total containment boom management will be owner’s account.

If ALL operation management was carries out through our company, a partnership agreement for the use of all our antipollution resources would be signed which would be useful for required authorizations.

In workshop Out workshop
* Day time **Over time * Day time **Over time
Welding works (1st officer) Consumibles not included 31.25 € 34.30€ 33.25€ 35.30€
Welding works (assistant) Consumibles not included 29.20€ 31.25€ 30.20€ 32.25€
Mechanic works (1st officer) 35.30 € 35.30€ 35.30€ 35.30€
Mechanic works (assistant) 31.25€ 31.25€ 31.25€ 31.25€
*** Mechanism works (1st officer) 44.35€ +25% N/A N/A
** *Mechanism works (assistant) 40.30€ +25% N/A N/A
Cylinder liner honning:
Ø to 500mm
Height to 1,500 mm
Request quotation N/A N/A

* Day time (Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00)
**Overtime (From 17:00 to 08:00 Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
***For Mechanism Works minimum invoicing 1 hour.

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