Marpol waste collection

Gabarras y Servicios provides waste collection services from ships (Marpol waste).

We have authorization for Marpol I and V Annex of MARPOL 73/78 agreement:

  • Annex I - Hydrocarbon residues.
    Inside this annex we can operate waste with flashpoint <60 ° and > 60 ° according to:

    • A type: waste generated from vessels or cargo residues from crude oil and ballast water contaminated with crude oil.
    • B type: waste generated from vessels or hydrocarbon cargo residues and ballast water contaminated with petroleum products different from crude oil which density is less than or equal to 1.
    • C type: bilge waste generated from the engine or fuel and oil engine purification equipments.
  • Annex V - Solid waste from ships.

We have boats adapted to perform this kind of service, also the necessary tecnical and human procedures.



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