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Limpiamar Algeciras


Registration 5ª AL-2-2-1991
Length 20.75 m
Breadth 5.5 m
Draft 2.13 m
G.T. 79.46 Tn
NIB 26143
Nº MMSI 224229890
Deck cargo area 24 m²
Cargo capacity 15 Tn
Number of tank 6
Tank capacity 250 m³
Passengers capacity 12
Activity Crew, lube oil, deck cargo, antipollution services, anchor and chains change
Propulsion 1x357 Kw.– 1.800 r.p.m.
Antipollution means Double sweeping system (Sweeper), hydraulic central pump, skimmers, power unit

Barge type schottel propeller system, which can guarantee great maneuverability. Very versatile barge, steel made and especially designed for specific jobs such as: underwater works, anchor and chain changes (providing a big chains box in the central area for this purpose), antipollution services providing a huge excellent special equipment for this activity besides perfectly trained crew for this type of work.


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