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Response to marine oil spills

Getting into combating oil spills at sea, Gabarras y Servicios serves both eluding spill risk works (transfers, contaminated hull cleaning, etc.) and quickly actions against spills, too.

In order to act fully speed and totally effective in case a spill may occur, we keep the following means:

  • a 1000 m2 area plant sited in Pol. Ind Cortijo Real, Concordia St, K3 Square, 13 & 14 just 10 minutes from port.
  • Boats:

Four of them are equipped with Sweeper system (spinnaker pole), skimmer, pumping equipment, absorbent barriers and own tanks with a total capacity of 200 tons and 80 tanks of 1000 l for deck. The other three ones are prepared for mooring and collecting barriers and logistical support.

  • Our ground plant means:

Absorbents, restraint booms and hydraulic reels for stowage, skymers, pumping equipments, hydraulic power plants, generators, hydraulic collector barriers, steam boiler for fuel heating, mooring barriers equipments, barriers tide compensators, manual and personal protection equipments.

  • Human Resources:

20 extensive experience workers in real interventions and periodical practices made by the company and supported to specialized courses.



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