Author: <span class="vcard">Expresion</span>

nuevo barco

New boat

It has no name yet, but we are in the process of adapting what will be a new ship for our fleet.

Its main characteristics are:

  • Length P/P – 28.26 m
  • Breadth – 6 m
  • Depth moulded- 3 m
  • G.T. – 117 Tn
  • Crew – 2 people

And is that in Gabarras and Services we do not stop to improve to always give the best service to our customers


Servicios Empresariales

Interview in Servicios Empresariales, supplement of El País

In the supplement to the El País newspaper, Servicios Empresariales, an interview with our Managingemtrevista Servicios Empresariales Director Pedro J. Marcet appears, which discusses the origins of the company, the different services that Gabarras y Servicios offers and the short and medium term challenges to That we face. More info

Contenedor lucha contra vertidos

We design the most flexible tool for combating oill marine spills port of Algeciras

We have devised a new tool in the port of Algeciras. This is a shipping container that carries everything you need to immediately deploy the accoutrements for any contingency, and act in the shortest possible time.

After a development time and a couple of months of construction, placed on a trailler and fully equipped, the container is already the most versatile tool to combat accidental oil pollution in the the port of Algeciras Bay, ready for any contingency. More info

It is our reason for being, renew every day. And our website could not be less. We hope you like.

We release new website!

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